Today is Saturday, February 8, 2025
Hop-on Hop-off Harbor Cruises are not running today.

These organization are committed to preserving and promoting our culture and history but may not have a site to welcome visitors. They are historic or cultural associations, “Friends” organizations, and educational institutions.

Southeastern CT Enterprise Region Corp (seCTer)

The Southeastern CT Enterprise Region Corp (seCTer) is southeastern CT’s designated economic development organization.

UConn Avery Point Maritime Studies

UConn Avery Point Maritime Studies is an interdisciplinary undergraduate program at the University of Connecticut

Southeastern CT Cultural Coalition

A Designated Regional Service Organization (DRSO) supporting the CT Office of the Arts in the Department of Economic and Community Development to organize and advocate for the creative sector.

New London County Historical Society

The New London County Historical Society is the oldest historical organization in eastern Connecticut, as well as one of the oldest in the region.

Anna Warner "Mother" Bailey House

Anna Warner Bailey was a lively, charismatic patriot whose indomitable spirit rose from some difficult early challenges which she overcame with amazing strength, courage, and good humor.

Connecticut Sea Grant

Connecticut Sea Grant is one of 33 Sea Grant programs nationwide that operate as partnerships between the states and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

The Groton Bank Historical Association works to preserve the history of the region through restoration projects and educational programs. 

Founded in 1976 to save Union Station from demolition, New London Landmarks is a historic preservation organization devoted to maintaining the authentic appearance and character of New London, including its historic downtown and waterfront.

Groton Bank Day, Inc. is a collaborative effort among historic and cultural institutions on Groton Bank to promote its historic and cultural resources. Its most notable collaborative effort is the Groton Heights Waterfront Festival.

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